Open Access Statement

Open Access Statement

Updated 03/15/2024

At Silver Rapid, we are dedicated to providing open and accessible broadband services to our customers. We recognize the transformative power of the internet and are committed to ensuring that it remains universally available, affordable, open, private, and secure for all users.

Our Commitments:

  1. Access to Lawful Content: We will not restrict your ability to access lawful content of your choice, run lawful applications, or use lawful services. You have the freedom to connect your preferred legal devices as long as they do not harm the network, facilitate theft of service, or harm other users.
  2. Non-Discrimination: We will not unduly discriminate against any lawful internet content, application, or service in a manner that causes meaningful harm to competition or to you as our customer.
  3. Transparent Information: We will provide clear and accurate information in plain language about the characteristics and capabilities of our service offerings. This empowers you to make informed choices about the services that best meet your needs.
  4. Network Management Disclosure: We will disclose the types of practices we use to manage our network, ensuring transparency while also protecting the efficacy of these practices.
  5. Continued Open Internet Access: We are committed to offering an open internet access service that allows you to freely access the internet as described above. Even as we innovate and introduce new services, we will maintain transparency about their characteristics, capabilities, and terms.

Traffic Prioritization Hierarchy:

During periods of unusual network congestion, we may prioritize certain types of internet traffic over others. This prioritization is applied on a network-wide scale and does not target individual subscribers. Our traffic prioritization hierarchy is as follows:

Highest Priority:

  • Voice Over IP (VOIP)
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Secured Traffic
  • Web Applications
  • File Transfer (FTP)
  • Streaming Applications (Video)
  • Peer to Peer (P2P)

Lowest Priority:

  • All other traffic

We remain committed to delivering an open, accessible, and high-quality internet experience to all our customers while ensuring network integrity and performance.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Open Access Statement or our services, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing Silver Rapid.